a marketing professional, building a network of like-minded people.
I have a love affair with all things creative, marketing, sustainable, and innovative. I strive to help businesses and creative people tell complex stories through effective marketing. Throughout my 10+ year career in marketing in energy, third-sector, and education, I have met a lot of talented and creative people from chefs, to crafters and hairdressers, to designers. Each with a unique outlook on life and with an amazing story to tell.
This is why I wanted to make this website. I want to talk about these interesting stories and highlight the people behind the magic of a marketing campaign. Who created that photograph? How did they make that campaign work? What makes that marketing campaign the best campaign this year? Marketing gets a lot of negativity, it is seen as dishonest and trickery to make you spend your hard-earned cash but there’s a lot of theory and understanding of how and why and that’s what this website will uncover.
utilising my experience and connections to build better marketing for businesses and freelancers.
I also have a lot of meaningful connections from SEO experts to photographers, designers, copywriters, and many other creative types. By trade, I am a marketer helping SMEs shape their brand and make marketing work for them. Over the last 10 years, I have helped businesses grow their revenue as an in-house marketing professional but I am keen to help more and do more with other interesting people.
That is why, alongside my work in highlighting the intriguing stories of creative things and people, I also want to offer my knowledge, expertise, and services to others. I want you to know how your business can improve its marketing, build better marketing campaigns, and most importantly use data to help you understand why your current marketing might be falling over.
Please enjoy your journey through the different stories I plan on highlighting here, but also check out my freelance section to see if there’s something I can do to help you make your marketing better.